Warang is a village in Senegal, located on the Petite Côte (small coast), 88 km in the south of Dakar and close to (about 10 km) of Mbour.
The Houses, villas were pushed like mushrooms in the last ten years, just as in the majority of the villages.
The big fish house of Mballing, engine its economy (3km from M'Bour, Warang and Mbour) restricting the real estate to expand toward Mbour because of the smell.
These Two, equally acceptable, are confronted as to the origins of the name of the village including the two neighbourhoods, Warang Soce and Warang Serer and two village chiefs. According to the socee version, the word warang means "large", the judgment made by the people who arrived first, from Gambia. According to the serere, warang in reality consist of two words: war which means "kill" and rank which means "embark".
The closest locations are Mbour, Sidibougou, Sintiou Mbadane, Gagnabougou and Nianingainsi than Mbaling.
Warang has about 3,500 inhabitants (source:), not to mention about the European expatriates, more and more to build houses there, and the inhabitant of Dakar who own’s secondary houses there.
The Serers, Bambara, Wolof or Diola/Jolas are the ethnic groups that are more represented. The inhabitants are majorly muslims (like the rest of Senegal). The village has three mosques but also a chapel, whose renovation works were completed in the year 2010.
In addition to the traditional activities of the village - fishing, agriculture, livestock, most especially the crafts and trade-, tourism seems to offer new perspectives, judging by the example of the seaside resort of Saly. Hotels, camp-sites and residences are also well developed.
Lat: 14.369215012 - Lng: -16.944097519